Nearly everyone develops loose skin on the body due to weight loss or age-related fat loss. Patients may find loose, extra skin discouraging, particularly if they have undergone massive weight loss. This extra skin can distort the body’s proportions and cause discomfort due to overlapping skin. Several cosmetic surgeries can address extra skin. However, massive weight loss patients often benefit best from a body lift. Cameo Surgery Center provides the best body lift Long Island and NYC offers.
A body lift—also called a circumferential body lift or lower body lift—is a skin removal surgery that involves an incision around the entirety of the lower torso. First, a traditional abdominoplasty incision along the lower abdomen makes up half of the incision. From there, both ends of the incision extend over the hips and meet in the middle of the lower back just above the buttocks.
While extensive, for patients who have large amounts of sagging skin, body lift procedures can have profound positive effects. Additionally, Dr. Blyer keeps the scar as low as possible which means that most of the time bikini bottoms and undergarments should cover any scarring.
Good candidates for a body lift will likely have copious amounts of extra skin along their abdomen and lower back. Other common traits among body lift surgery patients include:
A body lift comes with benefits and risks like all major surgeries. For good candidates, the benefits will outweigh the risks. However, during a consultation, Dr. B will evaluate each patient and their individual risk factors. Understanding the benefits and risks associated with Long Island body lift surgery helps patients make more informed decisions for better results.
The benefits of a circumferential body lift may include:
Risks of body lift surgery include risks present in nearly all surgeries. However, it does involve an extended surgical session which can add certain risks. The risks of a body lift may include:
Major complications associated with body lift surgery rarely occur. When complications do occur, they are generally mild, treatable, and temporary. Dr. Blyer takes several steps to prevent complications.
A body lift and tummy tuck are similar procedures. They both remove extra skin and address the abdomen. However, while all body lift patients will qualify for a tummy tuck, most tummy tuck patients will not qualify for a body lift. The table below details some of the distinctions between the two procedures.
A body lift always includes the wrap around incision. However, occasionally, it can include other areas of the lower body. Dr. B can also combine a body lift with other procedures for some patients.
A traditional tummy tuck incision makes up the abdominal portion of a lower body lift incision. Like with the original surgery, it is placed as low as possible. The incision allows Dr. B to access the abdominal muscles, remove excess skin, and pull the skin tight. He may also recreate the belly button for a natural and finished look.
A mons pubis lift uses an incision placed roughly in the same area as an abdominoplasty incision. Instead of pulling the skin downward like with a tummy tuck, a mons pubis lift removes extra skin and tightens the pubis area (sometimes referred to as the “fupa”). This can be performed alongside a regular tummy tuck too.
The second portion of a body lift is the buttock lift. Unlike the popular Brazilian butt lift, a buttock lift removes extra, sagging skin that can sag over or onto the buttocks. This does not add volume but does help lift the buttocks and restore a perkier appearance.
During some body lift surgeries, Dr. Blyer can perform a thigh lift to address extra skin on the thighs. This can include creating a thigh gap or smoothing up the outsides of the thighs.
During some body lift surgeries, Dr. Blyer can perform a thigh lift to address extra skin on the thighs. This can include creating a thigh gap or smoothing up the outsides of the thighs.
Between a body lift and a tummy tuck, neither is better than the other. Both are highly effective surgeries that can completely transform the body. However, for patients with skin that extends onto the lower back or buttocks, they will see the best results from a body lift. Though, the right procedure will vary between patients. Dr. B can help patients determine the best cosmetic surgery during a consultation at Cameo Surgery Center.
A full body lift does come with a traditional surgical recovery. Patients can expect to take at least three weeks off work and two months off certain forms of exercise. Post-operative side effects may include pain, bruising, numbness, swelling, redness, and itchiness. Dr. Blyer will prescribe medications and provides instructions to help patients have a comfortable recovery. Some of the possible recovery instructions include:
The most frequently seen body lift patient are people who have massive amounts of weight. They have had weight loss or bariatric surgery. Though, patients who did it through diet and exercise also frequently seek out body lift surgery towards the end of their weight loss journey and/or once at their goal weight.
A full body lift with DrBFixin is $19,999. This cost only includes the cost of the body lift alone and does not include other procedures such as liposuction or a BBL. With that said, prices do go down when combining surgeries with Dr. B.