Celebrities and models these days sport slim and defined faces. Every one knows about Angelina Jolie’s cheekbones or Natalie Portman’s nose. These features are memorable and thus begin trends in people naturally born with those features and people who were not. To get a slimmer face and help define the cheekbones, buccal fat removal has become a popular cosmetic surgery. Cameo Surgery Center—home of the world famous DrBfixin—offers the best buccal fat removal Long Island provides.
Buccal fat removal is a facial plastic surgery that removes part of or the entire buccal fat pad. The buccal fat pad is located between the cheekbones and jaw. Removing this fat pad can help slim the face and bring more definition to the face. Historically, buccal fat removal was only performed in extremely specific circumstances. Now, more people are seeking the procedure than ever.
Unlike most fat removal in cosmetic surgery, a cheek reduction is not achieved via liposuction. Located between facial muscles, the buccal fat is removed through a surgical incision inside the mouth. This is faster, safer, and better at maintaining facial structures in this instance.
Candidates for buccal fat removal are adults who have maintained chubby cheeks well into adulthood. Normally, the face thins out between the late teens and early twenties. This does not mean the face will be perfectly defined and slim, but it should look more mature and proportionate.
Certain factors can cause fuller cheeks. Simply having a round face shape is not enough to qualify for a cheek reduction. Though, many candidates do have a round face. A few factors which may make patients a good candidate for cheek reduction surgery, such as:
Ideal patients will not be smokers and in generally good health. The procedure does not involve much medical risk, but typical surgical risks still apply. In some cases, Dr. B may utilize local anesthesia which also helps reduce risk.
Facial slimming can include several different surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. While removing buccal fat is one method, another is adding volume with dermal fillers. The right option depends primarily on the patient’s present anatomy and the goals they want to achieve. The table below compares the differences between procedures. It can help determine which one is the best for a particular patient.
A surgical cheek reduction involves a small incision on the inside of each cheek. Dr. B will then carefully remove the fat pad through this incision. The fat pad—unless only removing part of it—usually comes out in one piece. The surgery takes around thirty minutes. Many patients opt to combine this facial surgery with other treatments. These may include a facelift, chin liposuction, or a chin implant.
Online buzz persists that a buccal fat removal surgery will either age the face or age badly. This is true when the procedure is performed on the wrong type of patient. Patients who already have a tapered or thin face should not undergo a cheek reduction. The lack of facial fat will cause them to age prematurely.
However, when a buccal fat removal surgery is performed on a patient with the right anatomy, the face will age naturally. One way to determine if a patient could benefit from the procedure is to look at relatives in their family. For example, if the patient’s mother also has larger buccal fat pads and has maintained them with age, then the patient will likely benefit wonderfully from a cheek reduction.
With weight loss, patients may see some reduction in the buccal fat area. However, it is impossible to fully lose enough fat in the area to compare to the results of a cheek reduction surgery. The buccal fat pad is made of specialized fat that the body deems necessary. That does not mean it cannot be removed or reduced, but it does mean that patients should use caution to determine if the procedure is right for them before undergoing it.
Compared to other cosmetic surgeries, recovery after buccal fat pad removal is easier. The first few days are the hardest because patients must adhere to a soft diet until their incisions have adequately healed. Some patients may also experience noticeable swelling. This is normal, but can cause discomfort. Patients can take prescription pain medication, but most patients switch to over-the-counter pain relievers within a few days.
Patients usually return to work in a week and some may be able to go out socially in about ten days. This timeline will vary for each patient and some patients do not experience much swelling.
A few tips for recovering after cheek reduction surgery:
Buccal fat removal cost NYC long island depends on several factors. Patients will receive a customized price quote at their consultation. Financing through Care Credit is available.